Sunday, February 14, 2010

an experiment in blogging

I am starting a blog.  There.  I did it.  I don't imagine anyone will read it, but we'll see.  For a long time I have played with the idea of a knitting blog.  More recently I have become obsessed with the food and cooking blogs of others, so that idea has made its way into the recesses of my mind.  Then I figured, why not?  What is there to lose?  And since one of my New Year's resolutions is to spend less time thinking about why not to do things and more time doing them, here we are.
Who am I?
My name is Laura, I'm 34 (at least for the next 6 days), single, and live outside of Boston, MA with my crazy cat Clementine.  I have fabulous friends, a good job, and an abiding love for cooking and knitting things for my friends and family.
I learned the confidence to cook from my mother, and the love of knitting from my grandmother on my dad's side.  My mom is also a knitter and has fostered my love for this along the way.  My grandmother, wonderful and brilliant woman who she was, was a terrible cook. 
Most of my recent knitting has been inspired by my almost 1 year old nephew.  From his voracious appetite I believe he will soon be an inspiration for my cooking as well.
My next big cooking project is a dinner party in honor of my 35th birthday, where I will make Beef Bourgignon (I know, its a cliche, and seems a little too pop culture referential, but its what I want to do so I don't care).  I recently took a cooking class where we learned this classic, and immediately decided that I could not think of a better way to celebrate my birthday than cooking for my friends.  So, I imagine my next blog post will be about the party.
P.S.  The picture above is of the turkey I made for my family this past Thanksgiving.  Prettiest and tastiest turkey I had ever had if I do say so myself.

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